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Albatros - Graceful in the air, but...

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Brilliant!...Guess nature just made them to fly...but did'nt quite work out the Beginning and End bits! :lol:

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Brilliant!...Guess nature just made them to fly...but did'nt quite work out the Beginning and End bits! :lol:


The Important bits I think...


I am not afraid of Flying its the take off's and the landing that's what scares me... as my Dad says...

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"Any landing you can walk away from..."


Funny vid, better landings than many of mine! Nice one Olham!

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"Any landing you can walk away from..."


I think the D.II lives up to its name. Every time I land, when I'm still about 50 feet up and still going pretty fast, it suddenly noses steeply downwards with no warning. 1st time I flew it, this surprised me and I nearly crashed, but ended up just breaking the prop. Now I'm used to it can know exactly when it's going to happen, so I now land it smoothly. Is this just me, or doese everybody see this?

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I think the D.II lives up to its name. Every time I land, when I'm still about 50 feet up and still going pretty fast, it suddenly noses steeply downwards with no warning. 1st time I flew it, this surprised me and I nearly crashed, but ended up just breaking the prop. Now I'm used to it can know exactly when it's going to happen, so I now land it smoothly. Is this just me, or doese everybody see this?


I haven't flown OFF but it sounds like your describing ground effect. When I was taking lessons in cessnas I learned about this. When you get close to the ground it will suck you down, happens every time.


B.T.W. That vid is hilarious!!!

Edited by Sakai

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Guest Sieben

uncleal: No, they have tubular nostrils on top of their beaks. Looks like a seriously unhappy penguin, but one appreciates the sentiment.


Olham: Regarding the video you originally posted, I couldn't read the subtitles, but if all of it was from a single nesting area then the dark ones were newly fledged and hadn't yet figured out how to do it. Give them a break, they have bird brains. The adults were the ones with dark wings and white bodies. But even the adults, after they have been aloft at sea for months, have forgotten how to land. Be glad your Albatross only has an endurance of an hour or two.

Edited by Sieben

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I think the D.II lives up to its name. Every time I land, when I'm still about 50 feet up and still going pretty fast, it suddenly noses steeply downwards with no warning. 1st time I flew it, this surprised me and I nearly crashed, but ended up just breaking the prop. Now I'm used to it can know exactly when it's going to happen, so I now land it smoothly. Is this just me, or doese everybody see this?



You're not the only one. It caught me offguard too, as there aren't many sims that have ground effect modelled ino them.

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You're not the only one. It caught me offguard too, as there aren't many sims that have ground effect modelled ino them.


No real plane I've ever flown, nor any OFF plane except the D.II, has done this. Ground effect makes you float above the ground until you stall and fall from 5 feet up; it doesn't suck you down at all. The ONLY time I've been sucked down in real life was when the runway was on top of a hill with a valley just off the approach end. Then the wind would follow the contour of the hill down, thus creating a downdraft right at the threshold.

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It happenned out west quite a bit. The twin Piper we used to use for S & R had a nasty habit of doing it between 50 and 100 ft above ground. But that could also be attributed to the 5,280ft ground level there. Thinner air, and summer was the worst with the darn thermals. It became a habit watching where the hawks were soaring.

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...it suddenly noses steeply downwards with no warning. 1st time I flew it, this surprised me and I nearly crashed,

but ended up just breaking the prop. Now I'm used to it can know exactly when it's going to happen, so I now land

it smoothly. Is this just me, or doese everybody see this?


No, I never have that happening, or I am perfectly used to it and don't notice anymore.

I find the Albatros fighter is one of the easiest craft to land. Even when I pull back throttle, it will glide fine and stabile.

But for any landings, I would hold the stick with awareness, and pull, if that happened.


UncleAl, I'm not sure if it is a young Albatros, but it is definitely cute!

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