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Be2c Bombing

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Our illustrious flight commanger has asked us to bomb in the Be2c from an altitude of 3000ft to minimize casualties from ground fire.


As there is no bombsite, and visiblity on that plane is terrible, did some practicing in it to see if some method of semi high bombing could be made accurate.


At first was hoping I could find a ground object directly to the right or left of the target, and then find a spot on the wing, or body of the plane, and when they lined up, drop, but the wings just cover up too much area.


So i fooled around with dive angles, altitudes, and spots on the aircraft that could be lined up with either the target, or predetirmend ground objects that are to the right or left of the target.


This method seems to work pretty good, considering the altitude.


as i approach the target, i find something to the right of the target that i know will be visible as i dive on the target, and just off the right side of the planes nose area (the target itself will be blocked by the nose)


In order to tell when the target is almost right underneath me, i have to do high bank s turns. The be2c handles pretty nice, and is actually pretty easy to do this and still mainatin altitude. When i think im almost on top of the target, i level off, and fly for just a few seconds, as it seems im usually not as far along as i thout i was when in the banked turns.


I start to put the plane in a steep dive, and as the top of the pilots head infront of me intersects the target, I slowly start to pull out of the dive. If when starting the dive, i notice the target is not almost right under me, it means i didnt fly far enough, and my bombs are going to drop short. I also tried dropping my bombs while in the steep dive, but it seems you cant do this.


as soon as the predetermned point to the right of the target intersects with the first wire/strut, i release.


I use rivers to pratice. one they are narrow, and if you can put a bomb in a river from 4000 ft your doing pretty good, and two,,,you can approcah them so the river runs right to left, and you have a perfect reference point to line up the wire/strut thing.


And important,,i fly zoomed out,,,(no pun intended)....im sure if you are zoomed in this will change things



Edited by sitting_duck

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I would think that you guys with TrakIR would be able to look straight down over the side of your aircraft and spot the the target then drop your bombs when you are just about over the target.

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You can't lean that far outside the aircraft, Axe, at least I can't. Personally I think it's a CFS3 thing. The lean was probably limited in that to keep the player's head from going outside the canopy, thus preventing you from leaning past the cockpit even when there is no canopy.

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Nice one Duck, looks like you might have to become the Sqdn's bombing instructor? Salute.gif

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