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Skins. identifying which model they are for.

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Just a small wish. Finding many skins in the download section not clarifying which 3D model they are for ... browsing through the skins to find something i am looking for, has been time consuming to find if the skins i was interested were for the model i am using.


Btw, i think i havent find any skins for the stock A-7s. Is there some resource maybe with SF stock A-7s ? (arent any in coulmn5 either)

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afaik, there aren't any 3rd party skins for the stock A-7.


Finding many skins in the download section not clarifying which 3D model they are for ... browsing through the skins to find something i am looking for, has been time consuming to find if the skins i was interested were for the model i am using.


could you clarify that statement a bit?? It makes no sense; skins for aircraft X are in the "Skins for Aircraft X" download section.


meaning; skins for an A-4B are for an A-4B (at least in 1st Gen versions. SF2 uses different mapping, and therefore some skins will NOT work properly when moved from SF/Wo* to SF2)



kevin stein

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sorry for not being clear. i mean for example, there are more than one or two 3D models for the same aircraft in some cases. eg, stock, early MF, late MF etc. Many uploads identify which 3D model are the skins for, but there are still many i think that dont clarify that. not a big deal

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