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OK Did a fresh install of WOE ,Patched it (2008 patch) Added in a F-104 from SFP1 (with all the .ini's) No weapons and no weapons in the stores window Any idea'S? Also any weapons I add with weaponedit(2008) are no show. I tried to create a new Fuel tank plugging the proper date in the editor and still a noshow. I'm lost on this one!

Edited by RAVEN

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Guest rscsjsuso5

this is a suggestion , install woe, patch latest get it at thirdwire, bluetiger if have it, weapon pack which ever one you have (i'm using the 2.5 version the really big one for series 1 game) and if necessary run weapondata in weapon editor and save it and exit and it should sync/recognize up with woe then the mod itself. if you are having problems , i'd highly recommend go to http://www.column5.us/index.shtml get a f104g mod, works well and c5 did a great job.


another way is to get nato fighters which saves you a lot of hassle.


another way is to extract all needed files including the lods from the cat file of sfp1 and make a mod out of it and copy that mod to your woe install.


you will need to tell us what files did you put in the f104s folder/mod maybe you miss something. you will need to make sure that your weapons show up for other aircraft to make sure your weapon pack is working okay. you will need to show us your data,loadout info.


hope it help and welcome to the community

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was the version of SFP1 that you took the F-104 from patched to the '08 level, or at least the latest SFP1 patch? If not, the F-104 will have some incompatibilities.


If you don't want to install a massive weapons pack, and you have some time and patience, you could just go into the F-104DATA.ini, scroll down to the "weapon stations" section and compare the "LoadLimit", "AllowedWeaponClass" and "AttatchmentType" entries to another aircraft, then change them to see if it'll work.

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Well I Fixted It. First off two things, 1. Pre patch WeaponsData.DAT was still in the Objects folder after the patch and was killing the Weapons stores in loadout window for addon A/C. 2.Addon A/C had the same name as one in the patched ObjectData.cat so when I patched it the patch ereased the Data.ini for the addon. DA! I changed the name of the A/C So all OK [so far] Oh and thanks for the help it sent me in the right direction.

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