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Manual or control template

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Does anyone have or know where I can find a keyboard template or just a printable list of the default keys for FS2004? I just bought the game, and the manual just gives an overview of it, nothing more.



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FS2004 has a fully clickable cockpit, so if you


1. are willing to use the clickable cockpit

2. have a joystick with a throttle


The only keys you really need to know are these:

g- toggle gear

F6 / F7 - flaps up / down

p - pause

s - switch views

w - toggle cockpit

. - brakes

~ - ATC window (single player)

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And if you have a Saitek X-45 you can program most of those commands in to your stick and throttle.

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Ok guys,


I appreciate the help, and I DO have an X45... the last version of MSFS I had was 98, and it wont support my X45 for some reason.... anyone know of a fix or work-around for this, other than progaming EVERYTHING to the stick manually?

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did you try installing the Saitek software first? You need to do that, and don't plug in the conroller till it tells you. Once you get it working, try the profile I've added to this post. I don't have a document that tells the keys, so I'll just tell you here.


Trigger - brake

A-flaps up

B- flaps down

C- pause

launch - gear

Hat 1 - view slew

Hat 2:

- up - zoom in

- down - zoom out

- left - switch views

- right - toggle cokcpit


there might be a few more command on the stick but I can't think of them at the moment :) I just use the mouse for everything else.

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here is my setup:




View-button A

Slew view -hat switch 1

Auto pilot- button B

Gear- button C

Engine auto stop- Launch button

NAV/GPS-hat switch 2

Alt hold- " [up]

airspeed hold- " [ down]

Brakes- trigger switch



master batt on/off- hat switch 3

engine auto start- "

flaps down increments- " [down]

flaps up increments- " [up]

re-heat- Aux 1 (this is tricky, click to the first detent to turn it on click to the second and back to the first posit to shut off.It's like resetting a breaker)

thrust reversers/prop reverse- button D

speed brakes- mouse fire button


This is my setup, it works for me, but experiment with it.

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Could you upload your profile please? I dont know what buttons do what in the game to start with, but I wanna use your profile... LOL... if you could I would appreciate it.

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Thunder, if I knew how I would, I'm like NavyChief, I know just enough to break things. :lol:

This is what I did though,

Load the sim, got to settings and open controls-assignments,open buttons keys.

There are drop down menues one for the bttons and the other for the controler.

Just pick from the event catagory menue and scroll each menue, pick an item and hit change properties, input the button/switch that you want and check okay.

I'm sorry that I can't upload a profile, but this a good way to remember what button does what.

The X-45 has the individual buttns mapped out onto the units themselves.


one more thing, events like braking and thrust reversal require the repeat setting to the far right of the menue to be maxxed out. I hope this helps you out.



Fly NAVY!!!

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Thanks for your help, MAN I feel stupid... lol... I thought you meant you had to program them into the profiler manually... LOL... anyway... thanks for your help

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Could anyone help me with a tricky button command assignment.


I would like to know how to load a new flight at the touch of a joystick button.


Is this possible???





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Bugeye, I dont think there is an assignment setting like you want, at least one I am familiar with. I will look in my game settings when I can and let you know.

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