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Wrench a question please...

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Hiya Wrench. I was wondering if you could assist me with a problem with your F4U-4B mod. I did a new install of SF2I along with the new expansion pack. I am making a Korean install with this. I figured since the expansion pack features props now, maybe some of the older prop planes may work better. (I know most of them probably need FM tweaks to bring them up to SF2 standards) However, the prop jobs Ive installed in this Korean war install seem to be working pretty good so far. The LA-11 seems to be pretty touchy in the roll but otherwise flies pretty good. As does the AN-2 and F4U. Im experimenting with the B-29 and later a few others to see how they do.

In the meantime, in setting up the F4U for the game, I come across what appear to be some missing textures. Mostly switches, but also the prop hub and tail cone (?) on the end of the fuselage. Any ideas where these may have gone? Also, cant seem to make legs show up no matter where I have put them. Tried putting pilot legs in the skin folder, cockpit folder, and in the F4U folder itself to no avail. Other than that, Ive got the pilot and weps to show up, set up the folder structure for SF2, and tweaked the underwing pylons weapon loads location as I had bombs hanging out in mid-air when I first installed the plane. Which brings me to my second question...mind if I re-upload your F4U-4B mod as setup for SF2 if we can find the missing textures?



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the Corsairs are all getting updated for the KAW mod, plus some new work based off the for the French AU-1 and -7 for Dave's Suez upgrade. So, I'd hold off on releasing anything.


As far as textures go, I haven't noticed any missing from Korea, on the 6-six gun -4 and cannon -4B (the 6 50 version is a mod of the 4B with some 'removed' items, but probably wont make it to the final KAW release. There are 6 six skins already done for various squadrons

Meaning, I've not seen anyting missing in the cockpits or externally.


The white spinner and tail cone look correctly painted (although the tail cone would be incorrct for USN), as they ARE mapped on the skins (see below). However, white would be the wrong color for the modex indicated. I think those metal bars in the cockpit ARE supposed to be there; switch guards for the armament panels



kevin stein


edit: just looked at the VMA-332 skin, and yes, it IS painted correctly, as it a Marine bird ... lookin in the upper right corner of the f4u-7_enginetail.bmp, you'll see a white square, tht's the end of the tail cone

Edited by Wrench

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Thank you for the fast reply. Hadnt heard about the new KAW mod; looking forward to it. Wasnt sure if my eyes were deceiving me or not about the switches, so thanks for clarifying that for me.

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my pleasure!


btw, the screenies above are FROM the new Korea terrain (uses stary's 4-season tileset) The Corsair in question above, is departing Pohang (K-3) airbase


i must also correct myslef -- I've done 8 skins for the Corsairs, all navy and all pretty damn accurate! (excepting I cheated and reused the same BuNums --laziness that comes with age <grin>


on the one below, you can see the ordanance follow the wing fold, too


and yet ANOTHER Corsair variant will finally be making it's appearence...



kevin stein

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Yeah, I was wondering about that terrain in the 1st screenie of yours...looks cool. The skins look excellent! And let me see if I get this right...an F4U-4N night fighter varient? Is this SF2 your flying them in?

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:good: Yes, indeed. SF2, full 4-merged, with SF2I expansion.


On the -5NL above, just under the tail, is Ashiya (you can see the city just under the fuselage), the river just beyond that seperates Ashiya from Kokura. And it has a bridge too, like in real life ™. IIRC, the Corsair was departing Itazuke AFB.


Now, all we need is a HU-16, and Richard Widmark!! :lol: (and George Chikaris, and Yul Brenner, too!)


Japan is 'fairly' well coverd, at least parts of southern Honshu, Kyushu, and even norhtern Shokaku (but not populated). Major cities (Kure, Hiroshima, Fukuoka, Ashiya, Sasebo -which was/is the main USN base). However, we're missing the Convention Center/Peace Building in Hiroshima. Not worth have a 3d guy build me a destroyed domed building, even though I know EXACTLY where on the map to place it.



kevin stein

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