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Weasel Keeper

Stolen Honor: POWs Commenting on Kerry

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Check the links on the 7 Vietnam POWs...but first check their REAL awards and medals awarded to each...plus the time they spent in the Hanoi Hilton. These are TRUE American heros. You have doubts about anything they say? :)


BTW, Third down is CMOH winner Leo K Thorsness...an F-105G Wild Weasel and member of the Society of Wild Weasels (SoWW). ;) Thomas Sterling (5th down and also a SoWW member) was Leo's wingman Wild Weasel who was shot down...which Thorsness hung around to protect to earn the CMOH.


These aren't like the 'Swiftboat' commercials, just true American hero's speaking their minds about what they feel are 'untruths' about war attrocities coming from Kerry.

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no need to apologizing guy,not after the flipping pics posted else where here...

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I might have missed it,has any MOH Man said anything positive about the other guy in the pres race?...


JOHN KERRY RECEIVES A STINGING REBUKE FROM A RETIRED REAR ADMIRAL WHO ACTUALLY HAS MORE DECORATIONS THAN JOHN KERRY. “WHAT!?!?”, I HEAR YOU SCREAM, “I THOUGHT NO ONE HAD MORE DECORATIONS THAN JOHN KERRY!” Well, actually yes, some people do have more awards than Kerry. Some have a lot more, like Jeremiah A. Denton, Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy Retired, Former United States Senator from Alabama, Former Vietnam POW for EIGHT YEARS (which means he spent approximately thirty times longer in Vietnam than John Kerry), Author of When Hell Was in Session. Denton received the Navy Cross, Dept. of Defense Distinguished Service Medal, Navy Distinguished Service Medal, Three Silver Stars, Distinguished Flying Cross, Five Bronze Stars, Two Air Medals, Two Purple Hearts, Combat Action Ribbon, Numerous combat theatre, campaign, and occupation awards. Consider this from Denton’s biography:


Denton's name first came to the attention of the American public in 1966, during a television interview arranged by the North Vietnamese in Hanoi. Prior to the interview, torture and threats of more torture were applied to intimidate him to "respond properly and politely. " During the interview, after the journalist's recitation of alleged U.S. "war atrocities," Denton was asked about his support of U.S. policy concerning the war. He replied: "I don't know what is happening now in Vietnam, because the only news sources I have are North Vietnamese, but whatever the position of my government is, I believe in it, I support it, and I will support it as long as I live."


Throughout the interview, while responding to questions and feigning sensitivity to harsh lighting, Denton blinked his eyes in Morse Code, repeatedly spelling out a covert message: "T-O-R-T-U-R-E". The interview, which was broadcast on American television on May 17, 1966, was the first confirmation that American POWs in Vietnam were being tortured.



Denton writes in a guest article in the Mobile Register:

Who's Kerry?






Knowing that I served in the U.S. Senate with John Kerry and that, like him, I am a veteran of the Vietnam War, many people have asked me what I think of him, particularly now that he's the apparent presidential nominee of the Democratic Party.

When Kerry joined me in the Senate, I already knew about his record of defamatory remarks and behavior criticizing U.S. policy in Vietnam and the conduct of our military personnel there. I had learned in North Vietnamese prisons how much harm such statements caused.


To me, his remarks and behavior amounted to giving aid and comfort to our Vietnamese and Soviet enemies. So I was not surprised when his subsequent overall voting pattern in the Senate was consistently detrimental to our national security.

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