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Your thoughts on combining the Modern Korea and Nato Fighters ground objects folders

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Hi guys Im after a bit of advice for anyone who's done something similar to what Im planning to do. The way I have SF2 set up is with Nato Fighters installed as a base then all the other add on aircraft/weapons/terrains/objects etc put in overtop without overriding any of the Nato Fighters files. This works well for me as Nato fighters gives me all the extra effects and weapons I need and the campaigns to play plus I have added most all other add on aircraft and terrains.


I have now decided after playing around with the mission editor and creating huge land battles to fly CAS for, that my ground objects need adding too to bring my selection of ground units up to the modern day.


I was thinking about copying and pasting in all the ground objects from the Modern Korea campaign, Does anyone have any thoughts on weather this will do what I want all in one go or should I be picking and choosing so as not to muck up my Nato Fighters campaign etc? Obviously I would have to copy and paste the Korea effects, weapons, sounds and guns folders to make sure all the Korea ground objects worked but I wouldn't override any files when I did this.


Cheers for your thoughts,



Edited by dtmdragon

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