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wingman erroneously reported missing in action

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I recently compled a successful mission with two wingmen in my flight. When all of us returned to base and I landed, OFF announced that one of my wingmen did not return. This is faulty in that my wingmen were circling the base as I landed. There was no indication that my wingmen did not land. In fact they never seem to land no matter how long I sit beside the runway.


Does anyone have an explanation for this? Is this a bug? :blink:

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Isn't it random who is reported missing\dead and kills they have claimed for rather than what actually happened during the mission?

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Gentlemen thanks for your insights, but if both wingmen were circling the field and one crashed on landing I doubt that it would be reported as "missing in action". Me thinks there is more to this than has so far been explained! I would have expected something like "Crashed on landing" etc.


What do you say?:idea:

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Thanks Ucleal for your reply. You have made it quite clear you have no concern for the issue and I accept that humbly. However it seems to me that retaining wingmen in a campaign is important to your progress. I can accept that the occurance of the missing wingman occurred. I was just wanting to determine/understand why and thought those who have used the sim longer and more intensely than myself may be able to shed some light on it.


I'm inquisitive by nature. Thats how we learn and progress.


Best Regards; :bye:



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This is a known game design/BUG issue involving CFS3. For some reason, the Microsoft game developers decided to make the results of your flown mission and the campaign after-action report independent of one another. Apparently, CFS3 randomly determines how many of your wingmen die or get hurt during a given campaign mission. The OFF developers are working on fixing this problem, but one obstacle is that the CFS3 engine does not report enough details to help the devs determine the specific circumstances of each "real" death or loss of your wingmates during an actual campaing mission.

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This is a known game design/BUG issue involving CFS3. For some reason, the Microsoft game developers decided to make the results of your flown mission and the campaign after-action report independent of one another. Apparently, CFS3 randomly determines how many of your wingmen die or get hurt during a given campaign mission. The OFF developers are working on fixing this problem, but one obstacle is that the CFS3 engine does not report enough details to help the devs determine the specific circumstances of each "real" death or loss of your wingmates during an actual campaing mission.



Thanks very much for your insight and perception of my experience. It was greatly appreciated. I now fully understand what happed! It's really nice when someone gets right down to the crux of it all as clearly and succinctly as you did.

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You are more than welcome, sir!


Don't get too worked up over UncleAL. He can be a bit cranky, and his sense of humor takes a bit of getting used to, especially if you are new to the forum. He means well, though, and he can be a wealth of information if you can get past the crustiness.

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You are more than welcome, sir!


Don't get too worked up over UncleAL. He can be a bit cranky, and his sense of humor takes a bit of getting used to, especially if you are new to the forum. He means well, though, and he can be a wealth of information if you can get past the crustiness.


Thanks for your insight, much appreciated! Have agreat New Year!:salute:

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I also imagine that if it really did keep track of your wingmen during the mission the death rate would exceed even WW1 standards...thats another reason why I think the game doesn't.

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It seems that my wingman must have flown off for some schnapps and pretzels. He returned three missions later! No idea where he got to!:dntknw:


Best regards to all

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