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New request and need for assistant for new project.

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I have an idea and a request that I would like to share with you. I would like to see a new terrain for the Arabian Gulf that include all the GCC counters , Iraq and Iran with a new ground temples and more accurate location and cities.


I am willing to provide a new templates for the map as well as any models that need to be created to add to the new map.


Some of you may think way don’t I do it myself, believe me I have tried and tried and it’s really hard to do, That is the reason for my request to have some of you know how to make the terrain map to consider this request.


Looking forward for your commend and help. :drinks:


Take care,






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Any help from the community please? :dntknw:



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hello Umm,


it looks like that the few terraformers are actually busy so what about working on Iraq-Iran terrain in the waiting?


It have a good part of the GCC countries on it and been overhauled by Wrench recently and I'm sure that your version of temples and locations will be interesting too.


Good luck

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Hello FrankD,


Thanks for your replay :drinks: , That is interesting but does it have all the files needed to use Terrain Editor (TextureList)?


Take care,




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Like FrankD said, the 3 or 4 of us (love the new name!!) Terraformers are up to our ears with work.

BTW, there ain't a damn thing wrong with the new I/I rebuild for pre-DesertSheild usage - Kuwait and Saudi Arabia and points south/east, just need targeting (and turning Iran OFF -make it neutral-. This, iirc, may have been explained the in accompanying read me)


and how hard is it to build a texturelist ini??? (odd that I forgot the leave it in the terrain folder -- I used to)

Having had to (re)build several, I can say.....


Not Very.


Here's what ya do....

1st off, create a new, seperate standalone TE for I/I usage (like I did)

2nd, place all tiles -reduced in size to 265x256 max, otherwise the TE willl choke on them - in the new TE main folder

3nd, convert ALL tgas to bmp. discard tgas afterwards

4th move the I/I terrain folder into the TE, discard ALL items except the following:







you can leave the types, nations, movement and targets ini in, as they might be needed.


In the main TE folder you'll need the desert_texturelist ini. Open it, and "save as..." IR_Texturelist.ini.


open the TE, load the IR_texturelist, load the Ir.HFD. When the terrain loads, you WILL be missing tiles .. don't worry about that.

In notepad, open the data ini; LEAVE IT OPEN as that'll be your reference to (re)build the txlist


Go to "Edit Texture Map List", and matching the numbers in the data ini, add the new textures to the IR_Texturelist.ini in the exact order they appear in the data ini. That is super critical!!!!!


Remember: there are 68 stock tiles in the desert terrain, so start LOOKING and then ADDING from 69 on. Crosschecking, and refershing the TE occasionally. You'll see that as the correct/new tiles are added, the blanks will start filling themselves in. When you reach the end (Tile160), you should be done.


When done, however, completly NEW nations and movement inis will be needed, refecting the nature of the new national alignments. The Nations ini will also need editing, to again reflect the new alignemnts

The targets ini will also have to be completly redone, with Irag becoming ENEMY (or in acutality, staying ENEMY, Iran switched to NEUTRAL, and all the other Gulf States becoming FRIENDLY.


There you have it

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Thanks for the replay and for the information. I didn't know about the Iraq-Iran terrain abut after installing it it's really what I was looking for. You really did good with the terrain .


One question if I need to add a new site for example a SAM site what do I need to do? if someone can give me a hint that will be nice.


Take care and thanks for your hard work all of you.:clapping::drinks::salute:




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thank you! It's what I had in mind. I don't build just 'single use terrains'. (as the OTC guys are finding out now)


SAMs/AD sites: well, if it's Iraqi, just find one in the targets ini, copy it to a blank notepad sheet, locate a position via free camera, copy down the coordinates, and paste it back in there (editing the Position= line.


For 'friendly', you may have to build from scratch ... notice, however on the Iranian side, many are built directly INTO the city/airfield target area. However, there are several HAWK sites that are seperate target entities. (albeit pointed west)


(also, it might behoove you to download the shipwreck item from the 1stGen downloads section, as it includes a tutorial on how to place targets. That tutorial is also in the 1stGen KB)



kevin stein

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HI kevin stein,


I really admire your work and the Iraqi/Iranian is outstanding. :yikes::drinks:


Ok, I have one question I have renamed all the GCC to FRIENDLY but all the air Bases have Iranian F-4 for example Ali Al Salem AB


“Name=Ali Al Salem AB










Alignment= FRIENDLY






It has 3 quadrons how to change them so they will be friendly jets? for example F-18 :cool:



Take care,




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One more thing I have added ship but they are not showing in the list to add to the game in the missins :this:



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in the targets.ini, change all the Iranian listing to NEUTRAL; remove Iran from the Nations.ini, change all the GCCs to FRIENDLY

One of the most important reasone for a LimitedNations=TRUE statement


Your Nation.ini should look like this:



TheaterName=Northern Persian Gulf




Location004=Neutral Territory

Location005=Saudi Arabia






FriendlyNation002=Saudi Arabia





Iran is set as 'FREINDLY" in the game's nations ini -- the only way to keep it from show up is to not list it in the 'allowed nations list (ie: limited) You can try editing the game's Nations.ini, and change teh alighment to NEUTRAL -this has NEVER been done or tested before,so results are unknown. Yo'd also need a complely stand-alone mdos folder for that experiment, and NO IRRAF aircraft in it at all.

Let's just hpe the limited nations statment takes care of it. They may still show up randomly, however.



kevin stein

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Thanks for the info and your extended help :drinks:, and I will try it and give you my feedback. :cool:



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OK I have fallowed your instruction and it worked Thanks.:drinks: I have one question I have added Air Base but how to flatten the base without using the Terrain Editor?:dntknw:

Oh one more thing that I have notes that I don't get this list to add any ship as any other terrains? any idea how to get it to show? see the attached pic


Edited by umm

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you MUST use the TE to flatten airbases - there ain't no other way. However, your answer lies within:




as to the ship issue, I have no idea. Are the ships in question listed in the terrain's _Types.ini? If not, do so. It's all I can think of

Edited by Wrench

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Thanks for the link :drinks: as for the ship I just can't get any to us as a target to place in the Gulf I haven't changed any but there isn't any ship that I can us.




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