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Help with FE Skinning please?

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Just putting a few personal skins together for my FE...it's a nice easy format to skin in :drinks:


Just a quick question please?


I am using a template skin to work off...and although I change the folder name..it still appears as the original folder name in the Loadout screen...how can i change it please?....many thanks :drinks:

Here's my first 'work in progress'...nearly finished the business end..now just the tail to do



Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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Ah...Ive sussed it.....here's the finished pic



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In each skin folder there is a "TextureSet.ini" Here you have to type in the new name of the skin as well as renaming the main skin folder. The loadout screen uses the TextureSet name. Nice skin BTW :good:

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In each skin folder there is a "TextureSet.ini" Here you have to type in the new name of the skin as well as renaming the main skin folder. The loadout screen uses the TextureSet name. Nice skin BTW :good:


Thanks Quack...one more question if you dont mind?


I dont understand the 'Decals' thing..... If you want to put roundals or crosses etc direct onto the skin..would you just delete any reference to the Decals?...I notice that the default aircraft obviously have seperate decals, to allow a wide variety of options in the loadout...but I assume it's not necessary for custom personal skins?...many thanks m8

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For any custom skin that you're going to paint on the Roundels or crosses ( or any artwork for that matter) you obviously dont need the stock decals anymore. So what I do is just edit out the Decal name in the decal.ini file.





MeshName=Wing Upper Middle L



FilenameFormat=Insignia <------------Delete "Insignia" where it says FileFormat






MeshName=Wing Upper Outer L









MeshName=Aileron L








If you know for sure you dont need this decal anymore you can delete the whole "Decal001" paragraph. But remember ALL the parametes need to be in number order like the above example. If you delete [Decal002] Than # 3 has to become #2 and #4 has to become #3 and so on and so on. For aircraft that have a lot of decals it can be a big PITA. Thats why I just delete the decal name in the "FileFormat=" parameter.



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Thanks Quack...I have a reasonable grounding now, thanks to you!

(love you're work BTW...Stunning!)

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