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Bizzare Japanese ... thing

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Technically it's horse racing. Technically... Normally the sport doesn't involve two-seater horses, pantomime horses and an elephant posing as a horse.

http://www.jra-jwc.jp/vol2/ Might take a while to load. Has sound, lots of it.

Navigate through menus, pressing yellow buttons, place your bet(s) and watch the show.

I had a case of beginner's luck, bet two tickets on the Jumbo and it won.

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it was a pain in the @ss for me to navigate but it was "interesting". I still havn't decided if I thought it was funny or lame. LOL I guess after a couple of beers I'd sit and play it for an hour.

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After it loads, it shows the intro which can be skipped with the button in the lower left corner. Then you're shown basic rules leaflet which is skipped by clicking the button hovering over it. Then press a button on the lower left to see racers' stats, then click the button hovering over it to get to the betting. Pick the bet type, then the racer(s) and hit the large yellow button under the pic. Then you get the choice whether to bet again (left button, up to three bets per race), or to watch the show.

The race seems to be composed out of three prerendered movies (excluding the intro): start (always identical), the bend where the panto horse falls, and the finish, where the variety starts. So far I've seen the victories of Jumbo, the US duo, the whipping chick in leather and the biker horse dude.

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the one time I tried the tiny horse won by leaping on the panda and then over the finish line.

Thanks for the walk through.

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