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New Map - For German Flyers in the Marne Region

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There is now a new map available in the Download section.

The map covers the area from St.Quentin (top left corner) to Reims at the bottom right.

It would be most useful for the following Jastas, operating from these airfields (among others):


Boncourt: 14, 21, 50


Chambry: 2, 26, 27, 36


La Selve: 13, 15


Marchais: 14


Puisieux Ferme: 4, 6, 10, 11


Sissone: 1, 9, 21, 50


The link to the download:



I hope some of you try out flying by map - it's easier than you may think..

The yellow lines are roads; but more useful are the black lines, which are railroad tracks,

These are pretty much precise in OFF. You should add landmarks like lakes by hand.




Edited by Olham

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Very good Olham, I fly some Jasta careers in that sector and this will be very useful.


Now, if only maps of this quality could be made available in game, both as the intelligence map and in-flight map! These were always one of CFS3's worst features and while OFF has improved on, they still fall far short of maps like this. Having a printed version is the next best thing, better if you don't like the in-flight map's 'satnav' effect (or it would be a satnav effect, if the in-flight map bore any real resemblance to what you can see from the cockpit).

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Thanks, LIMA - the map was now approved my the admins, and is available.

I have added the link above.

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