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Grumman TBF/TBM Avenger & FAA Tarpon Update/Upgrade Pak (DAT)

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Grumman TBF/TBM Avenger & FAA Tarpon Update/Upgrade Pak (DAT)

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Grumman TBF/TBM Avenger & FAA Tarpon Update/Upgrade Pak

-For the Dev A-Teams Avenger/Tarpons-


For SF2, Any and All (full 4/5 Merged Prefered)


*Note: may also for in 1stGen SF/Wo* WW2 Installs. This has NOT been tested!*


*Note Deux: You =MUST= have the DATs original Avengers to apply this pak to!! If you do not or cannot access those downloads, -DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS MOD- as you'll be unable to use it!!!


This pack is a complitation of several other mod packs I've released for the Avenger ... it replaces any and all previous versions.


Some relatively minor tweeks for the Dev A-Team Avenger/Tarpon WW2 carrier based torpedo bomber.


Ini tweeks add my corrected lighting, switch the canopy and wingfold to manual animation keys (wings: shift/9 canopy: Shift/0 -the Usual Suspects). Those equipped with ASV or Yagi radars get a new avionics ini for the surface-search radar. Most other things remain pretty


All decal inis have been corrected for the proper pathways, and decal randomization is set to TRUE.

New textureset & decal inis are included for those skins originally created by Gramps, as are a couple of new skin bmps that add the 'visible internal bulkheads' when the wings are folded.

The new SF2NA carrier statements HAVE been added, but until we get all the terrains have been upgraded with the new/correct/proper water bmps, it may be a moot point. However, in campaigns when carrier-based, they should work fine.

New Userlist.inis have also been created & supplied. It may not contain all users, as it's basiclly designed for USN/USMC usage. RNZAF can be added easily; if there's a skin for them!


To soften that blow, I've done up a new skin for the TBM-3; VT-82 from USS Bennington in G system markings.


To make things easier (and to pad the download), I've included ALL the skin and decal sets previously seen in the 1stGen downloads, or on my recently closed site that I've done. The readme for that is pak is included, just for historical purpses, as it has some "What If' background.


As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! As well as the usual "Notes" section.


Good Hunting!


kevin stein


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