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Roland DVI - crosses not showing in FE2

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The national markings are not showing up for this A Team plane for me, in FE2.


The texturesets it comes with don't have D folders so the usual drill to get decals for 1st gen sims to show in 2nd gen ones - copying the skins (and thus the D folder) over into the Decals folder - won't work. There is an additional Kissenberth skin here at CA which does have the D folder but copying that over doesn't work either - the skin shows up, but no crosses. The markings work fine in FEG, from what I can see they use the stock crosses for the 'insignia' decal. Maybe if I could find and extract the correct 'Insignia.tga' I could copy that file into D folder. Any suggestions would be much appreciated - I'm sure we all want to have this bird up and running properly for Armchair Aces 1918 and for Independent Force, when they appear!


EDIT - sorry have just managed to find a post here about this, tho I had already tried the suggested fix with no luck - will study that and have another go - wait out!


Edit # 2 - this time, editing LOD=1 to LOD=3 in the Decals.ini files worked and she's now flying in all her glory!

Edited by 33LIMA

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