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Russian Morane H

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Russian Morane H

Just a little rework of the previously uploaded MS.H in Russian markings, I have just tweaked the skins a little, and added decals instead of the pre printed insignia, just a personal preference.

I have included the sound files, and the decals needed for this aircraft.The only thing I would like to improve is the addition of a windscreen, as per the Pfalz EI , but that is beyond my abilities.


The only little Glitch I have encountered is the decal seems to show slightly on the wing tip, cant seem to solve that problem, but it isnt that bad anyhow. I tried to place the wing decals further inboard, but for some reason the Starboard wing doesnt accept this, but I dont think it looks too shabby.


just follow all the usual malarkey for installing to FE, or indeed just use the skins if you already have the A/C installed.


As I have said, this is just a tweak of the original skin, so all thanks to everyone who went before me in designing the A/C and for giving me the idea to tweak it !!!


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