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Saitek Comfortability

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Well....my only complaint about the Saitek Controller has been the Comfortability of the Joystick. The throttle comfort is great, but I miss my old Logitech Wingman Extreme Digital when it comes to comfort.


Hence I will be working on a mod, unless someone already knows of one, that will increase the comfort. I would like to see how much interest there is out there. All I'm really gonna do is create a Rubber attachment to the FLAT hand support on the Joystick. This will prop my hand up a little higher on the stick as well as create a cushion for long term flying.


I'll let everyone know how it turns out



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OOhh, a joystick mod! :lol: Make sure you take lots of pics during the construction! Sounds like a good article.... :D

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OK MJ...


I bought the materials that I should need for the mod today...gonna try to get it all done by the end of the week....wish me luck!

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Guest Ranger332


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