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SF2 WW2 FAA F6F-5 Hellcat Skin and Ini Update Pak

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SF2 WW2 FAA F6F-5 Hellcat Skin and Ini Update Pak

SF2 WW2 FAA F6F-5 Hellcat Skin and Ini Update Pak


-- For Geo's Hellcat --

= For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =


*Note: Mod may =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, due to the excessive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment. It uses more SF2NA style statements, and a fancy SF2-only "switches" that absolutely don't work in 1stGens*


*Note #2: this model will update the SF2 version of Geo's F6F-5, that I uploaded some time ago. The aircraft/skin pak is available at the following URL:



This is to be applied AFTER installing the above mentioned, and/or directly OVER you existing aircraft, for those that have it already.


Included in this pak are:


A new skin for

1844 Naval Air Squadron, FAA, as serving with the BPF aboard HMS INDOMITABLE, in late 44-thru 45. The skin is still in the original tga format, and decal randomization is set to TRUE.


updated data, loadout 'main' inis, and a new Userlist.ini with (hopefully!) correct exportation dates. Dates are rounded to the closest whole year. The data ini has a slightly refined FM (which, honestly DOES need further tweeking by experts). Certain nation-centric SF2 only 'switches' have been applied when selecting the FAA skins and FAA-specific loadouts will be generated.

"New" Royal Navy type weapon(s) are included (ok, 1 new rocket set; all the bombs are the standard RAF type) Drop tank is not inclued; it's in the original pak. Also, a new FAA-themed hangar screen


When in game, select the F6F-5, and "Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm" for the service, and have at them!


As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please READ them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too for futher explinations, clarifactions, illuminations and so forth.


Good Hunting!


kevin stein


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