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OK....was wondering if a few of you could give me some critique on the following file:


I left some keys open but there's only so many to program. I use the default controller INI file and edit it for my controller. I've found the if you use the in game setup to adjust your stick, it does work, but will often not unassign a function that was previously duplicated. ie...I have "fire weapon" as the "launch" key....if I reassign the "Launch" key, I will not have 2 functions assigned to the launch key, and ony one will work. I've had to go into the INI file to edit this.


Here are the major things that I've found useful.


I use the mouse button on the throttle to give me the MAP....this acts like a JTIDS in some respect.


I use throttle Fire D as a speedbreak


I use the joystick Fire A to select radar mode


I use the joystick Fire B to deselect radar target


I use the Joystick #1 POV for camera view...(Thinkin to change to snap view)


I use the secondar joystick POV for AA and AG weapon select


For those that use Roger Wilco...I've set up my profile thru the SAITEK software to make the FIRE C button = Scroll_Lock. I then make RW activate via the Scroll_lock.


I've found this to be a effective setup...but please don't be affraid to let me know what you think




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The importaint thing is that it works for you.


I myself use the SST profiling software so I can use the mode switches and use the mouse hat as a mouse. The different modes I use depend on my mission and the situation. for example take button B:


  • For me mode 1 button B is padlock enemy air.. pinky-shift/B switches enemy air targets


Mode 2 button B padlocks enemy ground... pinky-shift/B cycles ground targets


Mode 3 button B padlocks friendly air.. pinky-shift/B cycles friendly units...

  • and so on, not for every button or hat.. but it is flexible. There are few commands I have to actually use the keyboard for.


This may not work for you or others but it is intuitive for me. I think your command list looks good, if it works for you, that is most importaint. :)

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The one thing that hurts me the most is the PINKY SHIFT button....I find I'm accidentally hitting it. THis is mainly because I'm used to my old Logitech.... This is also the main reason why I'm goin to mod my joystick this week to insert a rubber grip to lift my hand up higher on the stick.


This may not get rid of my accidental Pinkie Shift, but it will make the rest of the joystick keys easier to use.

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