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I've just tried the AM-39 Exocet on the Super Etendard. I can launch it without any problem.

But when I ask my wingman to attack the second ship, he just dives towards the ship but fails to launch and pulls up, and does the same thing over and over again...


Does the Exocet only work the player?

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It will posible that your wingman needs to make a new run to the target, when i say to my wignman drop the bombs in the target he turns and made a new run for the target, could be the same???

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if there to close to target they go dummer the usal and yes the make some time 2 or 3 new pass until they drop any thing also ther minimum distance to fire the missiles that can explain AI beveior(<------what ever)

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ok.. i'll try it out again from a bit futher then.. see if my wingman gets smarter :-)

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