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[Fictional] RAN, RCN, RAAF, RCAF F-4K/M Phantom update pack

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[Fictional] RAN, RCN, RAAF, RCAF F-4K/M Phantom update pack



This contains the following changes and additions:

  1. Capability to mount rail-launched AIM-7 Sparrow missiles on the inboard wing pylons. The F-4K 80 and F-4M 80 have their missiles mounted further forward to clear the chaff and flare dispensers.
  2. Grouping of the inboard pylon and Sidewinder rails together. This makes the loading screen neater, and preserves the inability to use the Sidewinder rails and inboard pylon simultaneously.
  3. Rail launched versions of the AIM-7 Sparrow (AIM-7E to AIM-7P are covered).
  4. An EMI Reconnaissance Pod adapted for the USAF and USN attachment types. This pod is carried on the centreline pylon. It will show up in the loadout under the name "F-4K/M Reconnaissance Pod"
  5. Auscam skins for the RAAF F-4M '75 and F-4M '80. This skin is a recolouring of the SEA wraparound skin using standard Australian vehicle camouflage colours(As seen on this M1A1 Abrams: http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k198/Phil_H_au/misc/abrams_camo_2.jpg ). For the F-4M 75, full colour decals are used, the F-4M 80 uses black decals for lower visibility.
  6. Renaming of the skins in TextureSet.ini for consistency.
  7. Fixed tail skin for the camouflaged RAN F-4K. The upper part of the tailplane now contains the correct unpainted portion.
  8. Various other skin fixes.
  9. Recoloured decals for the "LateGrey" RAAF F-4M 80. The new decals are significantly lightened for lower visibility.
  10. Removed "USN" from AttachmentType for the Sidewinder rails for RAAF and RCAF aircraft, and substituted USAF.




Copy the contents of the "Objects" folder into the "Objects" folder in your mod folder. Merge all folders when prompted. Overwrite all files when prompted.



  • Sundowner: F-4B Templates
  • ravenclaw_007: High-definition AIM-7 Sparrow missiles
  • Spinners: F-4M SEA wraparound scheme (recoloured for Auscam scheme)
  • Olivier ANGUILLE: EMI Reconnaissance Pod


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