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Rotate a stock terrain - is it possible?

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As in title - Desert terrain 90 degrees (for Mozambique mod):




Edited by Kulbit80

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yes, in the TE

but you'd be shitcanning the targets ini (obviously since it's now a Real World ™ location)


where do you think TK GOT the Desert terrain from?? --  it's a known thing since 2003 that it's east Africa (Madagascar is at the upper left)


you'd be much better served by starting from a fresh DEM, and building a new one. This would allow for actually having a map that's "full sized", not 63% of reality. Also, there's no tileset that would even come close to east Africa (Israel, -very much maybe- but with EXCESSIVE modifications, and buttloads of new -and corrected- tiles)

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Ok. Thanks Kevin. So probably i forget about it. Too many other mods in work and too little time.

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actually, it wasn't hard at all!!

the worst part will be renaming/rebuilding the cities, ports (new tiles needed there!! - I have some), relocating the airfields and flattening them. Of course, the front lines, movement ini, etc, will need to be redone as well


You picqued my curiosity -- so, went and tested it.

Results below (havn't flown it, but .. you can do that!!)

using all stock desert tiles


I'll zip it up, if you want, and PM it to you.

Edited by Wrench

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trying to pm this to you, but keep getting an IO error.  I'll try again later tonight

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