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B.E.12 aiming

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Hello everyone...stumbled across this forum, and I see a lot of familiar names.


Enjoying WOFF:UE very much, and I'm flying lots of different buses in quick combat while my 1915 career trudges along.


Because I have been flying so much of the B.E.2, the B.E.12 is fairly natural for me, however, I have a heck-of-a time getting many hits at all with it!  I close right in on my enemy, and I attempt to adjust my angle to basically imagine where the nose of my aeroplane is, but I still seem to miss.  In my online research, I seem to recall that pilots actually hung out the sides of their B.E.12's to aim (?!?) as the gun is off to the port side...this can actually be fairly well replicated with the keyboard commands in WOFF:UE, and I have done this...but I still do not have all that much luck. 


Any suggestions greatly welcome, thanks! :)





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I actually earned a VC flying B.E.12s in WOFF! The only one I ever got. My only advice is to get close. I mean you-can-smell-the-enemy-pilot's-aftershave close. One, maybe two airplane lengths at most. That combined with F6 and I hadn't any problems. Of course, I'm talking about single-seaters. I rarely see two-seaters in WOFF so haven't much advice for them, other than to avoid getting with one or two airplanes lengths of their six o'clock unless you want new openings in your body. 


I love the B.E.12. I've had the most fun with it and am about to start another campaign.

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Think in damage boxes and not in real life fights. As a sample in real WW1 life you can shoot thought the canvas to hit the engine or kill the pilot, while in Woff you just hit the upper wing damage box and not the pilots head below this wing. Only an aim direct to a critical damage box will bring in instant succes.

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