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Keybinds lie to me, cant use cannons.

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After reinstalling the game again i noticed a few odd things. Namely that when i bind a few controls in the game they either do nothing (like the ejection) or they just outright lie to me and  get confused with another bind (when i press what i bind to do eject external pylons it changes the bomb ripple quantity, when i press on the chaff release it turns on/off my radar) And i am also unable to shoot my plane's cannons when i have them selected regardless of what i press.

There's also the strange event the plane goes into a really messed stall that ignores all laws of physics and the plane flat-stalls while climbing slowly of which i cant really get rid of. If i use autopilot the plane automatically regains control and when it does that and i exit autopilot it returns to going in a stall.

Did i mess up the installation order? i did SF2>Vietnam>Europe>Israel>Exp 1>Exp2>Campaign editor>North Atlantic

Also i cant update my game, it says it cant connect to the servers but i suspect that's on third wire's part.

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