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A2G avionics....is it possible?

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Now I expect someones probably asked this before and theres probably a simple answer but here goes....


Does anyone have any ideas how some sort or simple avionics such as dive toss for air to ground weapon delivery could be integrated into strike fighters/WoV?


I've been playing the game for about a month now, and whilst I appreciate that in the early time frame of the game (EG 1956-1960) bombing was done mannually, by the mid sixties there were various bits of gear such as DIANE on the A-6 intruder and LABS on the A-4 skyhawk (more for delivery of nuclear weapons I think) and dive toss on F-4, A-6 and F-105. Now I know that it takes some of the challenge of the game away to have avionics to assist in weapon delivery, but I feel that if it was possible to implement it in some sort of way it would make the game a bit more playable.


Anyone have any thought on the issue?

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Bombing has always been tough in SFP1. Andy Bush wrote an article series at SimHQ about how he and others did it back in the 60s as well as how to do it in SFP1.


As for if it could be, my guess is no. It wasn't designed for that and would require work on the part of the developer, work that I'd guess is more than they'd be willing to add in a patch.



The Jedi Master

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As for if it could be, my guess is no. It wasn't designed for that and would require work on the part of the developer, work that I'd guess is more than they'd be willing to add in a patch.


Tk open some door......he said on his board that in the future we'll get guided bomb/missile systems (at least walleye and bullpup)


but he did not said if it will be in in the sp4 or in a later sp

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I used dfang's instructions for depressing the bombsight in the cockpit.ini file for use in level bomb runs. Using a canberra b2 I,ve found the method very effective. So long as you stay at the same speed and altitude using the same ordinance you can more or less work out the depression angle for the gun sight, toggling the cockpit off for the bomb run. Only problem is that the camberra is a very stable and steady bombing platform, so It will take a lot of work to adapt it to the f-100 so I can use it in the campaign.


On a similar note to the idea about dive toss, the ability to manually enter the depression setting for the air to ground gunsight during the game would be a great improvement and would be far easier to implement than "proper" air to ground fire control. Also, pilots in the 50s and early 60s would have had fully depressable gunsights for bombing and access to data regarding release parameters for different mil settings......


guess I'm just getting sick of having to exit the game and edit the cockpit.ini everytime I want to bomb from a different altitude....

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On a similar note to the idea about dive toss, the ability to manually enter the depression setting for the air to ground gunsight during the game would be a great improvement and would be far easier to implement than "proper" air to ground fire control. Also, pilots in the 50s and early 60s would have had fully depressable gunsights for bombing and access to data regarding release parameters for different mil settings......


The pilots usually had what the depression along with what thier pull-up altitude and distance, before the low altitude bombing systems was introduced, on thier knee boards. So why not use the range and do some testing and post here what your results are maybe even post a text or document file with what the numbers are?

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