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About BasBoss

  1. Thanks for the help, ill look into buying SF2. thanks again!
  2. Here is the picture. (i had to shrink the picture for max file upload size) bottom right it says "v08.13.04"
  3. i tried the update and it didn't work. i reinstalled my game and re did the update, still didn't work. reinstalled the game without update, works fine. maybe there is a different update i can try? I don't know much about this game or games in general, i am quite the computer illiterate person when it comes to modding and/or diving into game files. Any other suggestions? much appreciated.
  4. I downloaded and installed the update but now whenever i load a plane, vanilla or mod the game crashes immediately. Doesn't even load. Now i can't play any plane, i don't know if is should reinstall the game and re do the update? what should i do?
  5. I tried adding new aircraft to SFG but every time they seem to work fine but when the are in the loading screen they load untill 90% and then the game crashes. Most mods say they were tested for WOI so i understand if they don't work but others are tested for SFG and have the same problem. Some don't even say for what they were tested. My mods are: this is the game i have, someone else told me this was SFG on a different forum.
  6. i was afraid that was gonna happen. wow. thank you guys for all your support
  7. All aircraft i have, which is only the F-16. I only have SF2 Flight Simulator. s is the F-16 i downloaded
  8. I want to thank you. Your instructions are very clear and I think I have installed it correctly. Now I run into the problem that I don't know where I can select that aircraft. It doesn't show up anywhere and I am not 100% sure it works. Can somebody explain this to me?
  9. Wow I didn't think I'd get a response thank you guys
  10. Hey, I own Strike Fighters 2 Flight Simulator I want to install new aircraft like the F-16 and F-35. The videos I have seen show an "EXE" and "INI" file. I don't have them. Also, I installed the game on a different drive named "G" rather than the o so common "C" drive. I read the Readme and the Knowledge Hub but the are unclear and/or again show those "EXE" and "INI" files. All the videos I have seen make a new standalone game and download a mod. I want to add an aircraft to the game, I don't know how to do it and if it works where I can select and play said aircraft. Please help me Idk if this is even going to be seen.

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