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Everything posted by BassoRider

  1. Problem installing Falcon 4.0 BMS

    Many thanks, MigBuster! I just found BMS 4.34, installed right away. Problem solved...now for the tutorials… :)
  2. Hello! Maybe my first post here, or long time no see… :) A return to flight simulators, and I hope for some guidance. Anyone else been through this? I failed at installing BMS. When I ran the setup.exe, it installed the game on my D-drive, but I wanted it on my faster C-drive. If there was an option to choose location, I missed it. I couldn't find an un-installer, so I simply deleted the game folder from my D-drive. Now, when I try to install the BMS simulator again, it asks me to delete a registry entry that doesn't exist, and then quits. I ran CCleaner to clean the registry, but that didn't help. I have of ourse the original Falcon 4.0 installed on my computer (I own the old boxed game from -98). Falcon BMS 4.33 U1 Setup was patched to Update 5. Please see the enclosed picture. Greetings, BassoRider

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