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Everything posted by skyway

  1. Hi, first i whant to say that this is my first post here, and i'm not sure if is in the right place. So if is not, im sorry. I have a little problem with WOI... I have flown bombing missions, destroying some runways...and that was ok. But, i have noticed that no one was shooting at me lately, and there are no enemy aircrafts in the sky. So i picked up my Brazilian F-5EM to an intercept mission....and there was no enemy! I flew CAS mission an again...nothing. So, the problem is that all enemies has gone! Disappeared! I have instaled some effects before that happened, but i backed-up first and already unistalled the effects replacing the new ones for the files from the back-up..all the effects was back to original but the enemies dont! I have no ideia if that's a regular problem of the WOI or not. If somebody knows how to help me, i would appreciate. Thanks! Leonardo Jones
  2. I was thinking the same thing, then i flew the default F-4 just now, and the same thing happens. I'm starting to thinking about reinstall the game.
  3. Yes, single mission, and doesnt make diference the year or the plane, the enemies just dont show up. Thanks!
  4. Thank you! I made all of this...and still don't working. I extract te WEAPONDATA.INI with Cat Extractor, opened with WeaponEditor, import the file Derby_Weapon.INI and save, i've copy the other files(Derby.LOD, Derby.OUT and Derby.bmp) to objects/weapons and nothing happens. I check the year that the missile enter in service, the year the missile was exported and everything. Sorry bored you guys, and sorry my bad english(i'm from Brazil), but i need some help.
  5. Maybe sounds stupid, but i can't make this work! I copy everything just like always...but i didn't find the file "weapons.ini", and the Gun Editor don't opened, nothing hapen when i click. Some help pleeease!

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