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About t-50

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  1. The nuke problem is that it happens with all nukes I used the Carrier Missions Pack (SFP1/SFG/WOE) V2.10 by comrpnt and modified it with KMD for f-14 and f-18
  2. I have the Oct-08 patch, i think it´s the latest pack, i installed it before installing any other thing
  3. I have some more problems with SFG, dont hate for having too much problems, i´m just a begginer 1. I really love to do nuke atacks, so i downloaded a b61 but said "fuel air explosives" instead of nuclear fission or fussion, i didn´t change it to see what happen but as soon as it exploded my plane (an F-16) exploded too at more than 10 000ft and 500kt so i changed the explosive type to the right thing but now every time i launch a nuke, it doesn´t matter the altitude, speed or distance all my flight explodes something that didn´t happen in the past 2. I downloaded a carrier mision pack with the a-4, f-4 and Digital overload´s CVN-75, it worked really good, i used the kmd to fly them with the f-14, f-18, etc. and everything went to hell, first the catapult launches me with the brakes, then my plane passes through the hull like if it isn´t there and when i get altitude the gear can´t retract and when i wan´t to land the gear can´t deploy!!! and i pass through the hull again exploding my plane if someone knows a solution this problems please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Where I can find the 3d max for free any good version?
  5. where i can find it, because i don´t see it in the pack
  6. I downloaded the WW2 weapons Pack and there is the Krammer but it doesn´t have the .bmp file, is that a problem or it is OK
  7. Yeah it is the Kramer X-4 Where I can it for SFG or it isn`t done yet?
  8. Thanks for the help I have only 1 question more: How is it called and where I can find this rocket?
  9. I check in the download sections but i don`t find any ASRAAMs Maybe it is in some weapons pack. Can you tell me in where weapons pack is?
  10. If someone can answer this questions i would apreciate it: 1.in the weapons data what line i have to change to affect the speed of rockets and missiles? 2.in AHM and SAHM where is the seeker strenght? 3.Where can i find the AIM-132 ASRAAM?
  11. IRWR

    the F-22 and F-35 have IRWR but they have tiny receivers in all the aircraft skin and they detect all missile launch warnings and they don't confuse with false detections like the sun or flares http://www.janes.com/extracts/extract/jav/del04043.html
  12. CIACHO is right, i really mean AESA radars http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Active_Electr...y_Scanned_Array How can I change radar's operating band? (This is for Fubar512)

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