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Everything posted by TBSREPRESENTATIVE

  1. [TB$] recruting for 360, ps3] WE WANT YOU!

    The Bomb Squad [TB$] is looking for Guys and Girls who are intrested in joining a mature clan (16 yrs and over)! We are Based out of North America and also we have a very good up and coming EU contingent! We are looking for NEW members who are willing to participate in on line forums, in clan tournaments, and gamebattle contests(not a necessity)! and most of all up for a laugh with a good bunch of people! If this flicks your switch and is what you have been looking for then come and visit our Website at http://www.tbsclan.com/forum/index.php?referredby=96 have a look round and if its your thing register! Note: Forum participation is an integral part of our team so make sure this works for you before registering. We are looking forward to having you on our team! we are looking for all types of players so please come along and have a look!
  2. [TB$] recruting for 360, ps3] WE WANT YOU!

  3. [TB$] recruting for 360, ps3] WE WANT YOU!

    ok thankyou i will!

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