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SF2E won't load GBU-39B or GBU-40's on to BRU-61 Racks

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Hi, does any one know if SF2E handles TLR's differently to WOE.


The only reason that I ask is that I can't get GBU-39B's or GBU-40's to load onto the BRU-61 quad rack.


Using for example the F-15E, In WOE you can load 4 SDB's on to each pylon that will accept EOGB, EOGR and TLR's on the load out screen.


In SF2E this won't happen, it will however load 3 GBU-40's onto a triple rack used by AGM-65's.


I have checked the BRU-61 rack in my SF2E weapons pack and all looks ok.


Also I note that the TLR's will only take EOGR and the GBU-39B is an EOGB. The GBU-39B should be compatible with the BRU-61 rack. How would change an EOGB to an EOGR?

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It's the way the game engine works unfortunately. What you can do is go into the Loadout.ini of the aircraft and do this:






This is taken from the F-15E thats in the SF2 super pack but shows how it will successfully load as you want it.

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Thanks EricJ, that did the trick but it's still not wanting to behave!




As you can see it's only loading 3 bombs per rack, and yes I have listed 4 in the loadout ini.


It does load 4 on the F-15E but not on the F-16XL that I'm playing about with.

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The only thing I can think of is adding "TLR" to those pylons. It's listed in the Weapons Editor as one, so add that and see what happens.

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Actually, it could be a weight issue. There may be a LoadLimit associated with those pylons that only allow a certain amount of total weight. In fact, based on which pylons you are using, that probably is the issue.



Edited by FastCargo

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The only thing I can think of is adding "TLR" to those pylons. It's listed in the Weapons Editor as one, so add that and see what happens.


First thing i did.


Actually, it could be a weight issue. There may be a LoadLimit associated with those pylons that only allow a certain amount of total weight. In fact, based on which pylons you are using, that probably is the issue.




Weight limit for pylon is 2000KG. 4xGBU-40 and rack is less than 1000KG.

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Hmmmm...I'm a little stumped on this one. It should work...DiameterLimit and LengthLimit shouldn't be an issue if you can get 3 on there.


I can tell you why it tries to use the stock TLR, but not why it's acting like this....


Kind of bugs me because I'm the creator of the SDBs, the BRU-61, and did the weapon stations on the XL.



Edited by FastCargo

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First thing i did.




Weight limit for pylon is 2000KG. 4xGBU-40 and rack is less than 1000KG.


Relax man, I can't tell what you did or didn't do... :wink: I know it's "simple, stupid" but hey, I wasn't sure :good:

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Solved the issue:




I was correct, the LoadLimit is the problem. By the picture you uploaded, you are using Stations 5 and 7 to carry your weapons, which have a 750 kg LoadLimit


But the LoadLimit you were quoting were from Station 5a and 7a, which have a 2000kg LoadLimit. Which I'm using here as you can see.


So, 2 ways to solve this...one, add TLR, EOGR to Stations 5a or 7a, OR increase the LoadLimits on Stations 5 and 7.


Note, this will NOT solve the issue of the sim using the wrong TLR rack, that is a sim code issue. You can solve it with a custom weapondata.ini/dat file, but it would require a LOT of work. I can explain if you are curious.



Edited by FastCargo
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Relax man, I can't tell what you did or didn't do... :wink: I know it's "simple, stupid" but hey, I wasn't sure :good:


Sorry Ericj, I didn't mean to come across irate or anything like that. I greatfull for any help I get :sorry:

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Solved the issue:



I was correct, the LoadLimit is the problem. By the picture you uploaded, you are using Stations 5 and 7 to carry your weapons, which have a 750 kg LoadLimit


But the LoadLimit you were quoting were from Station 5a and 7a, which have a 2000kg LoadLimit. Which I'm using here as you can see.


So, 2 ways to solve this...one, add TLR, EOGR to Stations 5a or 7a, OR increase the LoadLimits on Stations 5 and 7.


Note, this will NOT solve the issue of the sim using the wrong TLR rack, that is a sim code issue. You can solve it with a custom weapondata.ini/dat file, but it would require a LOT of work. I can explain if you are curious.




I see where your coming from FC, Problem is I am using stations 5a and 7a with EOGB,EGOR and TLR added.


I'll try making the necessary changes to 5 & 7 to see what happens.


As for the custom weapondata.ini/dat file I'm always eager to learn. No hurry though.



Edited by mikeymead

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Well, mikey, while you're working on that, I'll tell you why the sim tends to handle weapons racks oddly.


The answer lies in the way the sim accesses data.


This assumes you are loading from the weapon screens...otherwise, the sim will simply use what is in the LOADOUT.INI to the best of it's ability.


In the older sims, those with a weapondata.ini/dat file, the sim would simply go down the list in numerical order until it found the weapon rack that met all the parameters (type of weapon to be carried, length, diameter, weight, etc) and use it. However, problems could immediately show up. An example is if you were trying to load Stingers to be carried by a helo or something like the AT-6B. There is a custom 2IR rack I built for the Stinger. It has very small Load,Diameter, and LengthLimit parameters (ie you can only fit a Stinger on it). However, in the old days, you would simply tack the new weapondata entry on the end of the weapondata.ini, run it through the editor, and you'd have a new weapondata.dat.


The problem is immediately apparent. The second you start loading something other than what's in the LOADOUT.INI, the sim will go down the list in the weapondata.dat. But it will NOT encounter the 2IR rack I built first...it instead will encounter the 2IR that comes stock with the sim (the LAU-105 rack). That rack has much larger Load, Diameter, and LengthLimits to be able to carry 2 Sidewinders...which means you can easily fit 2 Stingers on there.


Yep, you'd get a loadout with a very silly picture of a Cobra with tiny Stingers loaded on huge LAU-105 racks. In the Gen 1 sims, this could be fixed...what you did was simply reorder the rack entries. The way I did it was from more to less restrictive. In other words, I'd put the Stinger 2IR rack first, then the LAU-105, etc. It works the same way with TLR, TERs, MERs, etc. The BRU-61 was another example...I simply made sure it came before the standard TLR rack (or any other TLR rack). Of course, this could get complex with multiple racks...I did a brute force method, pulled out every entry that was a weapons rack of any sort, re-numbered what was left of the weapondata.ini. Then I took all those weapon rack entries, sorted them by category, then by most to least restrictive, then renumbered them to put them all at the end of the weapondata.ini. Ran it through the weapon editor, and voila...an install that would use the right rack MUCH more often for the particular weapon if you loaded it from the hanger screen.


In SF2, the problem is now obvious. Because the sim doesn't normally use the weapondata.ini/dat for 3rd party weapons...it will always look at the weapondata.ini first, THEN look at your nice sorted weapons folder, and go in order. Unfortunately, since the weapondata.ini/dat is looked at first, it always will use the standard TLR rack before the BRU-61. And I'm not sure how the sim would react if you extracted the weapondata.ini and customized it yourself...would it ignore anything outside the weapondata.ini/dat? And do we want to start playing with weapondata.ini/dat files again because a few racks won't behave?


I haven't done the research yet...not sure I want to with 2000+ weapons available...



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Well, I made the necessary changes to stations 5 & 7 and even made the changes to the center pylon but all with the same results, only 3 weapons loaded!


Now, while I don't pretend to be an expert I have been playing around with loadouts for a couple of years now and generally manage to get the desired results that I'm after.


This though is really stumping me. I've included my data ini and and loadout ini just in case I've been careless and missed something obvious.


I changed the loadout.ini on the F-29A to use the BRU-61's and GBU-40's and that works fine, so it's definitely only a problem with the F-16XL in my installation which I trying to port over from WOE to my SF2 combo pack and using a slightly modified version of the stock F-16 Netz cockpit.

Edited by mikeymead

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Hmmm...I'm stumped at this point. I've got the wing pylons working properly...but can't get the centerline station to behave. Not sure why...I'm going to continue to hack at it. I'm not seeing any obvious things wrong at the moment...



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If anyone's interested I've cracked it but to me it makes no sense!


I had originally change all the attachment points to USAF only. Now to my mind this should be ok as the BRU-61 and GBU-40 both have USAF attachment types as well as USN and NATO. I added NATO to the relevant pylons and bingo, it now works as it should.


Funnily enough I've been having a similar problem with the Brimstone 3 rack on a fictional RAF Gripen that I'm working on.

I had all the stations set for UK attachment types only. Like this only 2 Brimstones per rack would load. By adding NATO to the station data it would load 3.


As I said, It don't make no sense to me!:dntknw:

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Since I've been doing math most of the afternoon my mind is kinda mush... but I think I know what you're talking about, in regards the LAU-115C launchers for the Supa Bug. I noticed that Dels were loading, and not mine. So I kinda did some reverse engineering, and it works... Reason being? Probably because it is USAF as an attachment. So now I can select LAU-115Cs for my AIM-120s when I need them without having to worry about a loadout.ini fix.

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Okay, call me officially baffled. It shouldn't make that kind of difference.


But as long as it works...



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Yeah... I feel you on that one...

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