About This File
this skin is an attempt to depict FE2b 6994. it was while flying this machine that Captain Stephen Price (pilot) and 2nd Lt Frederick Libby (observer) made 5 (possibly 6) claims during August and September of 1916. this rendering is based on a photograph dated September 23rd (possibly the day after their final victory in this machine. although it's questionable whether that photo depicts this specific machine, there is "wiggle room" enough that I think this skin might be feasible. Frederick Libby became the first American ace in history while serving as an observer in this machine.
this skin is based on the stock FE2b skin with extensive (albeit poor) retouching that was done with Paint and the basic Microsoft Photo Editor bundled with Windows. if somebody else wants to improve the skin and post a better version later-- be my guest. this is as good as I'll probably get with the resources I have.