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Mosquito VI E-3/HP904, 333 Norwegian Sqn, Leuchars, 1944

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de Havilland Mosquito FB Mk.VI HP904, 3-E No.333 (Norwegian) Sqn. RAF Leuchars, Scotland 1944.


Camouflage colours are Extra Dark Sea Grey over Sky. Registration letters are believed to be Red with Yellow outlines. The AEAF bands around the fuselage were removed late summer or early autumn 1944, being painted over with fresh, slightly darker paint. The Norwegian flag on the nose is speculative, but it might very well have been applied.


Three skins included, E-3/HP904, one with national markings and one with tail flash only.


Many thx to Jester for the base template, FBS for weathering and internals and Hynkel for (ammended) stencils :good::pilot:

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