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I was noticing that when I finish one campaign in FB+AEP+PF that I automatically roll to the next campaign and it doesn't let me choose the plane. Many great pilots flew more than one plane as they progressed through the war but the campaign in the game doesn't seem to allow this. Does anyone know of a work around for this... a file I can edit or better yet has someone created an application that help you manage careers?


For example... George Welch flew at Pearl Harbor and downed 4 planes in a P40.... then he went to New Guinea and flew P39s and got 3 more before finishing up in P38s. The game takes me from Pearl to New Guinea but auto assigns me to a P40 again and I can't change to a P39.


I did a search to see if this was already discussed but I didnt come up with anything so any help anyone has out there would be appreciated.



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to make changes like that you need to get to grips with the FMB or editor, the planes are pre-selected for you just like coops will give a limited range of options for aircraft types and loadouts, these options are saved in the files so need to be edited.


If you open up the campaign file in the FMB you will find you can change the planes available there. Sorry I cant be more specific as its not something i have done a lot of. I would recommend trying to build a basic dogfight map to familiarise yourself with how to manipulate the FMB and work from there.

Come back to me if you get stuck

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When you start a career, you can select which aircraf you want to fly for each campaign. So you can fly a P-40 at Pearl and a P-39 in New Guinea. However, once the career starts, you cannot change the selection anymore (aside from "hacking" the campaign missions with the FMB to change your plane type).

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