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Paying for War

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This was sent to me in an email today...thought I might share it. It appears that congress has commited to paying for all future war efforts by following the promotional business model of Nascar.



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Hey, its not like a modern (i.e. stealthy) air force needs camo any more, anyway.

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The very site should be demoralizing... think about it, being bombed by a plane that says "Tide" on the side, oh the humility, to lose to detergent.

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Just think of the VIAGRA plane! haha

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Actually, now that I think about it, we should let our companies sponsor our services.


Look at the photo... Texaco Bombs Iraq, then Texaco invades Iraq, then Texaco sucks all of the oil out of Iraq.


Lets Do It!!!


It could be some sort of incentive program, the companies that sponsor the military the most, get the 1 chance to go into a conquered country and create new business.


Oh wait thats just my Imperialistic mind at work again.


Bring it back I tell you, bring it back!!!


Make The World America!

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