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For those that are familar with the OFP title, your all aware that it is one of the most complete combat simulations made to date. It's popularity is still alive, with mods and maps still in the works today, even though the game is 5+ years old.


The big buzz has alwys been the creation of OFP2, but in light of the differences between Codemasters and Bohemia Interactive, Bohemia has alwas been working towards that goal. They have reached even closer with the planned released of Armed Assault, while still working on "Game 2".


Armed Assault is a completely made over OFP Engine and it's begginning to stand out amongst many of the most avid Combat Simulation websites. It's release is planned for 3rd Quarter 2006, so with hope, we may see it before the end of the year.


The game offers alot to everyone here at Combat Ace. The Tank Enthusiast will get to master their preffered weapon, the Heli drivers will get to enjoy maps large enough to take 15 minutes in real time to fly accross....as well as thwart a few tank sim enthusiast from completing objectives. There will be just as much ground combat simulation going on as well with close quarters combat as well as arial F-15's capable of taking out extreme threats from the air. Yes, this is going to be one heck of a welcomed game amongst those that want a full blown combat simulation envolving all aspects of modern combat.


The biggest downside that I'm aware of will be that many of the models will not have working guages, those taking it somewhat out of the true simulation category, but there is enough real-world action to put it back in. All this, and it will be a modders dream as well as complete multiplayer support.


I hope everyone takes a more serious look at what this game as well as future version of the BIS masterpiece.








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Looks like a winner!!!!

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You check out all of the latest news here.


As for the gauges; that's based on the old ofp engine where only the horizon worked. This may change with the new engine but don't expect 'flight-sim' type quality.

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OFP was an infantry sim. The vehicles were always more BF-quality as far as FMs/DMs/usage/cockpits. However, that didn't stop it from being the best of its type ever.

Joint Ops was the only game to approach this type of sim again, and it fell short in a number of areas, including SP play, enemy AI, map size, etc.


I can't WAIT for ArmA. Once I have that, "Game 2" will not be important for at least another 5 years. ;)




The Jedi Master

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Let's hope that at their present rate it won't be 5 years before it's released.

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just tell me were to get it in canada or were to get it online that will ship it here.


I will gladly drivearound onlie and let helo's take shots at me

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Following the links here:




The game is very buggy at the moment, and I would suspect a patch relatively soon. They will be releasing the US version in January 2007 I think, and my guess it will be patched up already.


Another downfall that I'm aware of is that GameSpy has pulled its lobby away from ArmA. There's a lot of disgruntled players over this...



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As long as there's a replacement for the English release, that's fine.

Oh, and AFAIK there isn't any planned US release yet. However, the UK version should be available here from places like gogamer.com and maybe others?

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