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Need a favor for the Range Terrain

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I need a favor from one of you single mission gurus.


I'm setting the Range terrain up to be compatable with WOE and adding a few things like a new installer, the BQM-34 Drone, a Range Operations Guide, and anything else I can think of. What I really need are a series of drone intercept single missions to include with the installer.


What I had in mind was a series of intercepts under different conditions: target closing, target moving left to right, right to left, target moving away, etc. If possible they would start with the aircraft on the ramp as shown here: forum post I would write a sort of mission guide and include it with the documentation.


Here's a quick work in progress of the Range terrain that includes the updated drone: http://bunyap2w1.com/Terrain/BombingRange.exe


If anybody could hook me up it would be appreciated.

Edited by Bunyap

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Guest zerocinco

Get anyone yet?


I can do it for you. I'd like to know what you want the end product to look like, the level of detail and difficulty, and needed graphics.


If you look at my posted mission (Photo Recon) there is an EXTREMELY simple explanation of radar intercepts in .doc format.


Also, I prefer to use an F-4 if that's okay.

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