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Observations- Shared?

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Just a couple of things I've noticed since the patch, and was wondering if anyone else has observed these (or else I may just be being paranoid/ clumsy):


(I'm using the 1984 vietnam mod, and I think I've updated the planes to use the weapons pack, but still need to do more, the soviet/north vietnam ones in particular. If I get around to doing all those in the next week I'd like to post a mod update pack to the forum files area, would that be useful/appropriate?)


The AV-8C flight model seems to have become a bit 'twitchier'. Leaving controlled flight and entering a nose up spin is now an absolute cert in any tight turn, and seeing as I'm getting bouced a fair bit, those are happening! I never really took the harier for a dog fighter at all, but I'm seeing a lot more of these departures than before. Thankfully, as long as I notice it's happening while I'm within a 30 degree AOA and 10k of airspace, I seem to find them recoverable, but if I see the ground appearing where the sea was at any rate of knots, it's time to punch out! :blink:


SAMs seem to have a far better envelope- twice now I've seen them come snaking over the paddy feilds, zip past behind the whole squadron, then turn around and swat a wingman. Looks like a wake chaser torpedo! Is this normal? Is this realistic!? can a SAM really come past a tartget, and then turn back to get it from the other side? the range was about 10nm, altitude about 7k, and the missile had a slight downward tradgectory on t's first pass, so I guess the KE situation was pretty good for it, and was tail chasing so our angular transit was reducing, but still and all! :shok:


Anyway these aren't complaints, just observations. I actually think that I'm enjoying the game more than I have for a while. Any day now I'll patch SFP and rebuild DBS. One instal at a time though eh!


p.s. apologies if this was in a sticky!

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