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Hi Everyone

I'am going to make a model pack of Ground vec.s they are not finish models they need skins and i can't make skins so if any one want to help me please tell me who going to help me!!! :help:


List of Models in this Pack:



BMP-3 30mm Gun

BMP-2 (Cannon)




Moble IBCM

T-40 Light Tank (Green Model)



Type 1 Ho-Ni I (Self-Propelled Gun)



M2 (Anti-Aircraft)



Ariete MBT



Arjun MBT


Now this is alot!!!


Models are 3DS

Please Post :sad:

Edited by gerald14

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Great to see the Arjun MBT WIP. Thanks for building it :) :clapping:

Sadly, It has neither lived up to its name nor its advertised capabilities.

Edited by ghostrider883

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