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I will see if I can get BPAO to improve his model. Thanks for the indepth look streak.

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Thanks a lot Agamemnon!


Will this one run on my joint WOE and WOV installation? Would really like this one with the Avionics70.dll stuff :good:

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Thanks a lot Agamemnon!


Will this one run on my joint WOE and WOV installation? Would really like this one with the Avionics70.dll stuff :good:


It should I haven't combined my WOE & WOV but i do have the F-15E in both and have had no problems.


Since this bird was built a long time ago it does not have the avionics package that the F-15A from WOE has but this can be fixed.

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I couldn't match the field of view/distance/distortion, so I did the best I could. I was impressed at how well the canopy rails, the canopy shape, and the antenna aft of the canopy all lined up... almost perfectly! Obviously the intakes, the Sparrow, and the wing pylon don't line up very well. Some of that involves differences between the distance and field of view used to make the photo. Some may be the result of model inaccuracy? Has anybody ever checked the alignment of the wing pylons? This pic makes it look like the WOE model has the pylons too close to the fuselage.


Here is the shot from WOE:



Here it is merged with the real photo:



And for reference the original photo from the post above:


Edited by streakeagle

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The stock WOE F-15A definitely has the wing pylons too close to the fuselage. I can't say exactly how much they need to be moved. Is there a way to hex edit the positions of the pylons in the LOD file without the source file? For reference, look at where the red marking is on the leading edge of the wing versus the attachment point.

Edited by streakeagle

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I forgot one great pic of a German Eagle with turkey feathers (from the F-15 Playbook):


Oops! It is the same pic from the other book, just on a larger scale. Apparently a popular one.



Edited by streakeagle

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Not a German Eagle but the tail "CR" is of the 32 TFS, Soesterberg AFB which was under control of the Royal Netherlands Air Force. Andy Bush flew F-4's for them

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Here's one i did in WOE, after shooting down 6 migs on Hard. It looks a little off to me, maybe flying into the hulk of the last one had something to do with it. LOL



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The real F-15 has flown with an entire wing missing (well enough to get back on the ground with only additional landing gear damage, i.e. blowing the tires). So it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to assume it should be flyable with a tail stab missing ;)

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