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Harrier Virtical take offs and landings?

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Is this possible to do in WOE? I looked in the manual and it gave no reference to Harrier operations in fact my pdf manual references WOV.


Any help is greatly appreciated.

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From what I hear it's only possible with an incredulous knowledge of the force, and the ability to use it with Yoda-like precision, coupled with an exact series of button-mashing and window-breaking-with-$150-HOTAS's, and topped off with eating cookies and drinking OJ WITHOUT! dropping a single one of the crayons stacked on your head. You also absolutely cannot so much as peek at the actress of your choosing sitting on the couch-which-appeared-out-of-nowhere.



Or, you could just carefully time moving the throttle forwards and tapping the thrust control keys. Personally, I prefer the former method.



Bottomline, it's really really really really really hard. (If the WoV Harrier mods are anything like Wings Over Europe's Harriers)

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Thanks! I figured it out. This will take some practice. I was able to map the Thrust controls to my throttle.

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I just ran a mission using the AV-8C add-on and was able to VTO with no problems other than a few wobbles. You may need to watch your loaded weight, as heavier loads will make it very difficult. I did it at only 90% throttle, but I had only a middling load of 6 Rockeyes and 2 AIM-9Ls.


I just realized that what you're probably asking after is how to rotate the nozzles down. Check your keyboard mappings; I have SFP1 and have the nozzle controls mapped to the += and _- keys (next to Backspace). I don't know if that's the default mapping for WoE, though.

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Yes, I mapped the nozzles up/down to my throttle. I can take off ok with a very short runway, which I usderstand that is what it is like in real life - meaning in RL you cant take off going straight up like a helo. When trying to land it is a whole different story. I wobble all over the place trying to make a vertical landing.

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You can take off vertically! wanna se? well...


A video showing how to land would be much longer though :pilot:


Huh? WTH is my attachment!? :dntknw: ????


And why my replies are added to my original post? did I broke something :crazy:

Edited by Paladrian

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You can take off vertically! wanna se? well...


A short, wobbly vertical takeoff in the AV-8C... :crazy:

VTO video

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I tried to replicate it and ended up sucking water :lol:


:haha: Well it just need a little training... And of course you have to do everything very gently

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