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File Name: P-51a.zip

File Submitter: WOLF257

File Submitted: 6 Aug 2006

File Updated: 6 Aug 2006

File Category: WW2 Aircraft


First the disclaimer and legal mumbo-jumbo:

You download and install this add-on aircraft at your own risk, it's been tested on several dis-similar systems and caused no problems but your mileage my vary.

This aircraft model is not endorsed by TK, Third Wire, or North American Aviation.

The model, cockpit and base paintjob were done by me alone so any errors are my fault, complaints and suggestions should be directed to me at the Stike Fighters Forum at SimHQ.

You are free to distribute this add-on aircraft as long as it's done as the complete orginal zip file including this read-me file.

You are also free to repaint it in any manner you chose and release those skins as you see fit.

I've included the layered .psd file for those wishing to repaint the plane.




IMPORTANT! Make sure you have installed the latest Weapons Pack.



This model of the P-51A is fairly representative of the type found in the European Theater in early 1943.

This varient of the Mustang is equiped with the Allison engine and the performance was ctually quite good as long as you stayed below 15,000 feet, above that and the single stage supercharger just didn't deliver the required power.


Operational Notes:

SP4 models torque so keep it in mind especially on take off.

The plane becomes somewhat directionally unstable at low speed so pay attention during the landing approach or this plane will kill you.

Keep your speed around 110kts on approach till you cross the fence and start your approach at around 1500 feet or you'll overshoot the landing.

Like the P-47, watch your dive speeds, this plane is very clean aerodynamically and the dive speeds build up fast.



Aircraft Model, Cockpit, Basic Paint, FM and supporting data files: WOLF257

Which means if something's wrong it's completely my fault.



To maintain the high detail I was after I used very large textures, if the plane causes an unacceptably large hit on your frame rates it's suggested that you open the P-51BTex1.bmp file in a paint program and resize it to 1024 x 1024.

You can also open the CpitTex1.bmp file found in the cockpit folder and resize it to 1024 x 1024 as well.

This can also be done to the Instruments.bmp but be advised that you'll lose a lot of detail on the instrument panel by doing this.

I'll get around to building a dedicated pit for it sooner or later.


Last words.

Why did I decide to build WWII planes when there are other sims out that cover the period?

Some of my most enjoyable simming, both on and offline, was with European Air War, I'm a confirmed WWII prop head and I make no apologies about it.

Strike Fighters has given me a platform to indulge in my favorite period to an almost unlimited extent and I'm going to take full advantage of it.





Click here to download this file

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