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Are these planes available?

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I could not find any of these aircraft as add-on downloads either on this site or any other, and I was wondering if anybody has made or knows where to get the following aircraft:


-Tu-22M3 Backfire

-Tu-160 Blackjack

-B-1B Lancer

-B-2 Spirit

-SR-71 Blackbird (or maybe the YF-12 interceptor prototype?)

-XB-70 Valkyrie


I know some of these might be strange requests, but I am just wondering if anybody has made those planes.



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I think someone is/was working on a B-1B, wpnssgt has a B-2 on his to-do list (it's waay down on his to-do list, though), and as for the others... I don't think so. Some may be working on them, but if they are, they've been quiet about it...

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The TU-22 is in SFP1.... you can also get different versions at C5's site

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Well since the B-1 and Tu-160 are virtually the same exept for a slight size difference (thanks the our slightly nosy neighbors from the east) if one comes out they'r all out.

I personally would like to know if there is a super hornet in he works. The problem is that since the hornet and super hornet are just different enough to need seperate .LOD's and therefore new data, loadout, and whatever that third .INI is called which also means new skins and prabably new decals not to mention new hanger and loading screens.


Anyone not busy?

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I personally would like to know if there is a super hornet in he works. The problem is that since the hornet and super hornet are just different enough to need seperate .LOD's and therefore new data, loadout, and whatever that third .INI is called which also means new skins and prabably new decals not to mention new hanger and loading screens.


Actually, they are quite different. The E/F models are over 20% larger than the A/B/C/D and share virtually no common airframe parts. Getting an A+ or C model is a different story, since apart from a few extra bumps and bulges, they are identical on the outside. I'm already working on a "C" mod.


Getting a B/D model would be cool and relatively easy, since it would only require some 3D remodeling of the cockpits. and upper fuselage. (Hint, hint!)

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I personally would like to know if there is a super hornet in he works.

fairly certain that there is.

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Oh well...Im better at ini's. I Dont have enough time or pretty pennys availible to do the modeling.

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The TU-22 is in SFP1.... you can also get different versions at C5's site


I looked there but they don't seem to be there anymore and I'm pretty sure thats where I got mine from...



Yeah, the 22M-3 is a completely different plane. Positive there's no model out as of yet but there are a couple in the works but its taking a while because its a difficult job :(

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