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Spitfire MK.XII MB882

Serial MB882

Markings EB-B

Engine Griffon IV


Spitfire XII, MB882, 41 Squadron, 1943


This skin is for the above mentioned aircraft and though we don't have a MKXII Spitfire in the game I have chosen to use the MKIX as a stand in. The real plane (having a Griffon engine) has distinctive raised elongated bulges just above the overhead valves which I have tried to fake onto the actual skin.

I have made two versions - Clipped wing and Full winged, for most accuracy (in relation to the real plane) using this skin on the clipped wing MKIXc would be best but I have included a full winged version so that it may fit the full winged IXc and also the 25lbs Spitfire (if you so desire).


This skin will also fit the IXe and no doubt Vb version (use the clipped and non clipped where appropriate) but the machine gun placement will be different on the IXe and props/machine guns/radiators will differ on the Vb but it WILL fit regardless.


Original superb Spitfire MKVb template created by "Fly by Shooter" now with various adaptions by me to fit the MKIX with panel lines etc. depicting the Griffon range of Spits. (ty FBS)


Roundels Only and No marks versions included.


History inculded in the download.





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