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Need Help getting Airplane in game...

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Hopefully I can get some help here, for some reason or another the folks on SimHQ's SF forum kinda gave me the sluff off (sans for one or two)... :sorry:


Anywho. I've created the model, I've texture mapped it. I exported it (with decals?) and put it into it's own folder called XI-2. The folder is a copy of the F-15A folder with everything renamed. I also made sure to open up the XI-2.ini and XI-2.ini to point to the appropriate LOD. Yet when I load the game, I get nothing but a full payload of sparrows and gas tanks flying around.


I'm seriously hoping that someone can help me here as I really want to get into modding this game (havent touched modding since SDOE).


Also, if you want, I'm on AIM constantly, as QuietCorpusMan.


Please folks, I'm begging here.

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Guest capun

First of all, what model have you created?


Are you saying that you created a model and then you think that a F-15 texture is going to fit over it?


If that is correct, the answer is no it won't work and that may be why you do not see the plane.


Once you create a model you either paint it with a solid material (color) from 3DS Max (I am assuming you are using 3DS Max and the exporter), apply a material with a bitmap or the preferred method which is to UVMap the meshes to create a texture map which then you can paint it.


I highly suggest to download and read the exporter notes, they are in the download section, look for exporter or utilities from Third Wire.

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  capun said:
First of all, what model have you created?


Are you saying that you created a model and then you think that a F-15 texture is going to fit over it?


If that is correct, the answer is no it won't work and that may be why you do not see the plane.


Once you create a model you either paint it with a solid material (color) from 3DS Max (I am assuming you are using 3DS Max and the exporter), apply a material with a bitmap or the preferred method which is to UVMap the meshes to create a texture map which then you can paint it.


I highly suggest to download and read the exporter notes, they are in the download section, look for exporter or utilities from Third Wire.


Well, to be honest it's a bulls**t aircraft of my own design. Mainly just a test plane.


No, I created the model, mapped it, and have custom textures for it. I placed the textures in the texture folder the ini references. Still no go.


The parts I don't have mapped have had a simple gray-shader applied to them.


I've gone over the exporter notes to the best of my ability, and I'm still having trouble making heads or tails of it.


Here's a quick screen, perhaps it'll help...




BTW, thanks for replying.

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Guest capun



One quick look at your picture I see that your Texture map need to be be 24-Bit BMP's with an Alpha Channel. I could not see the Shader but it should be Blinn.


I don't think TIFF files works, convert the texture to bmp and apply it to the material map and see if that solves the problem


We normally use TGA's for canopy glass and decals only



If you still have problems and want me to take a quick look you can send the files to


capun1950 (at) yahoo (dot) com

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