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I have PF, and when I select Do-335 to fly it crashes through loadng im told I shoud have this plane but I think im missing some files I didnt know where else to post this so sorry if it is in the wrong section.


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Hi Mate


Have not seen this error message before.


If I was you, I would re-install the the game check the CD is clean.


Cheers Pete

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The Do-335 comes in a patch i think and I have reinstalled this patch multiple times.

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The Do-335 comes in a patch i think and I have reinstalled this patch multiple times.


Hi Wasgood...


I get the same message too! :sorry:


Did the *Do-335* join the Pacific War, in real ? !



In the 4.04 Mix .... the Do-335 works fine ! :clapping:






Edited by fail-safe

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Try posting this over at the official forum (Pacific-fighters.com > look at the links to the forums on the left, then click on Community help), you'd probably get better help there. (Not that you won't get good help over here, but well, nevermind...)

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I think the advice to make a clean install of the sim is best. After running the uninstall make sure you manually check for left over folders and files. Scratchs on the disk can make for corrupted files so get the toothpaste out if you find any and grind them out

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I think the advice to make a clean install of the sim is best. After running the uninstall make sure you manually check for left over folders and files. Scratchs on the disk can make for corrupted files so get the toothpaste out if you find any and grind them out



If you have the stand alone install of PF the Do335 cannot be flown. It is not a PTO aircraft in any case. It is a known bug.

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