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F-8D Chance-Vought Addon

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File Name: F-8D Chance-Vought Addon

File Submitter: Guest

File Submitted: 24 Jun 2004

File Updated: 21 Jan 2008

File Category: F-8


Chance-Vought F8U-2N (F-8D) Crusader

for Strike Fighters: Project One

Version 1.1


by "The Gunfighters" F-8 Development Team:


Aircraft 3D Model: Lobo mau

Aircraft Textures: Volksjager, column5

Cockpit: Lobo mau

FM and INI Config: column5, Crab_02, Lobo mau, Charles Gunst

Research and Testing: USAFMTL, Flying-V







1.1 -Numerous small flight model tweaks for better performance.

-Added armor to fuel tanks.

-Fixed Gun Boresight Angle for better gun accuracy.


1.0 -Original release.






To install, follow these simple steps:


1. Ensure that the latest SFP1 Weapons Pack is installed. Refer to

the instructions provided in the weapons pack.


2. Copy the "F-8D" folder included in the distribution archive to

your Strike Fighters "OBJECTSAIRCRAFT" folder.


When installation is succesful, you will have a new aircraft available

on your mission creation screen: F-8D Crusader.







1. This aircraft uses high-resolution textures. Some older or low-

end video cards may experience poor performance. You may improve

performace by reducing some 1024x1024 textures to 512x512 using

an image editing program. Begin with pit1.bmp and pit2.bmp

located in the cockpit folder, and then try the 5 external

textures located in the skin folder.


2. Limitations in the way SFP1 handles the configuration of aircraft

landing gear causes the F-8 to sit somewhat higher off of the

ground than is accurate. This will be addressed as soon as the

game allows.


3. The Dual_Zuni rocket pods will not show up on the loadout screen

until a new Weapons Pack is released.


4. Due to the way the game handles weapon stations and missile rails,

we have created separate line-items in the loadout screen for the

dual-Sidewinder configuration and the quad-Sidewinder

configuration. This was necessary to make the correct missile

rails display for each laodout. However, because of this it is

possible to load the aircraft with six Sidewinders or four

Sidewinders and two Zuni pods. Be aware that these are not

correct loadouts. Select either 2 or 4 Sidewinders or 2 Zuni



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