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PAF F-7P v1.9


PAF F-7P Skybolt v1.9



A. Installation :


1. Drop the 'F-7P Skybolt' folder into your Strike Fighters/Objects/Aircraft, or your

Wings Over Vietnam/Objects/Aircraft folder.

2. Open the 'Add To Sounds' folder and copy the four .wav files to either your

Strike Fighters/Sounds, or your Wings Over Vietnam/Sounds folder.

3. Your copy of Strike Fighters should be patched to SP3.1 standard. Your copy of

Wings Over Vietnam should be patched to Patch 2 standard.

4. You should also have the latest Weapons Pack ( w/Updates ) installed. Weapons

Packs are availible at http://www.combatace.com/


B. Notes :


1. The Pakistanis purchased the Chengdu F-7M beginning in 1988 in order to replace their

aging F-86F-35 & F-6 fighters. Designated F-7P in PAF service, this fighter is capable of

carrying two PL-5, AIM-9P, AIM-9L, or Matra R-552 Magic II IRM missiles. It uses a modified

version of the BAE Type 226 Sky Ranger Radar and a limited Sky Ranger ECCM suite ( Flares &

a noise jammer ). Pakistani F-7Ps also have Martin-Baker ejection seats, and Western radio

equipment. This fighter has a limited ground attack capability. PAF practice is to assign

junior pilots to F-7P units while reserving the Mirage & F-16 units for their more experienced

& promising pilots. PAF F-7Ps are currently being upgraded to F-7MP standard to extend their

useful service life.


C. Issues :


1. The F-7P uses the stock SFP1/WOV MiG-21F model. As such, the canopy has not been animated as the

MiG canopy hinges forward while the Chendu canopy slides to the rear. The MiG-21F model also has

only two wing pylons while the F-7P has four. The outer wing ordinance stations are adjusted to ride

snug to the wing underside for this reason. F-7Ps also have the BAE (GEC/Marconi Type 926 HUDWAC), no

F-7 cockpit currently exists, so a stock A-4 pit is used. The Type 226 Sky Ranger data is fed into the

HUDWAC. The avionics.ini is set up for normal HUD settings in game to enable you to see the Lock-On diamond.

There is no search function on the Sky Ranger radar, it's ranging only.


D. Credits :


1. All glory goes to Gramps for first modding the MiG-21F into it's Chinese cousin. Gramps has graciously allowed

me to carry the ball forward. The Hangarscreen is by Gramps. As is the decal.ini.


2. Ghostrider883, geg etendard, and madcaddie for Research into the Warbirds of the Sub-Continant.


3. Fubar512 for his excellent MiG RWR sounds and his revised MiG FMs.


4. Any mistakes are solely mine.






Bob 'howling1' Hauser


*** Note to Manetsim : JPEG included ***


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