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Guest Gramps

Timor Ground Units

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Guest Gramps

Timor Ground Units

Here you will find three new ground object mods:


1/ An M113_ACAV re-textured and renamed as an Australian Army M113 FSV.

2/ Opfor Indonesian AMX-13 light tank.

3/ Opfor Indonesian soliders


Just paste the three folders into your main Objects folder.


Then paste the following into your GroundObjectData.ini in your Objects folder (you may need to extract this file):




ObjectFullName=AMX-13 Tank





ObjectFullName=Indonesian Infantry squad





ObjectFullName=M113 Cavalry APC




Remember to rename the XXX to the appropriate object number in your GroundObjectData.ini file.


Thanks to Kesselbrut for the M113 ACV and the Infantry. Thanks to whoever made the AMX-13!


This most excellent mod brought to you by Charles!


Thanks Charles!


Uploaded by:


Richard "Gramps" Kaminski


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