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Factory finish Fokker DVII texture by Chock

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Factory finish Fokker DVII texture by Chock

For those who prefer their Fokker D VII aircraft not to attract too much attention from the RFC, here is a new texture set for the Fokker D VII in Third Wire's First Eagles sim.

This repaint is intended to portray a typical Fokker D VII as it would appear after having been at the front for a few weeks, coming direct from the Fokker factory.

The standard factory finish from the Fokker works was not the lozenge camouflage as many suppose, but a pale blue colour with olive drab streaks, the streaks being applied by semi-skilled workers with nothing more sophisticated than a three inch-wide paintbrush! This led to some widely differing camouflage patterns on Fokker aircraft, although the standard application was supposed to be with vertical streaks on the fuselage and streaks at approximately 45 degrees on the upper surfaces.

The type designation and serial number on this repaint is spurious, however, it is a reasonable facsimile of the Fokker works designation system, and is one of several ways to identify a Fokker-built D VII from one built under licence by Albatross, examples of which, usually featured a more fanciful font for the serial number stencilling.

To install this texture in your First Eagles sim, just create a new folder called Factory Finish in your D VII folder and put all the files from this zip dpownload in there. Have fun - Chock


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